
Time and Place:
Perm, Russia, 7 - 9 October 2015

Submission deadline:
1 June 2015

Notification about acceptance:
1 July 2015

Registration deadline:
10 September 2015

Working language of the Conference:




Sites of previous conferences:
RFO-2007; RFO-2009, RFO-2011; ВКВО-2013


      ARCFO - 2015



Topics of the Conference

         Optical fibers;

         Fiber-optic cables;

         Fiber-optic communication;

         Fiber-optic components and devices;

         Fiber-optic lasers and amplifiers;

         Fiber-optic sensors and measuring systems;

         Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies in fiber optics;

         Other important topics of modern fiber-optics and adjacent areas.

Fiber Optics Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FORC)

Perm Scientific-Industrial Instrument Making Company (PNPPK)

Perm Scientific Centre of the Ural Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Perm National Research Polytechnic University

Perm State National Research University

  Chairman of the Conference

Academician Professor Evgeniy Dianov, FORC, Moscow

  Program Committee

Sergey Semjonov, FORC, Moscow (Co-Chairman)
Alexander Tomashuk, FORC, Moscow (Co-Chairman)

Subcommittee on Optical Fibers and Components

Mikhail Bubnov, FORC, Moscow (Chairman)
Alexander Buriukov, FORC, Moscow
Alexey Guryanov, Institute of Chemistry of High-Purity Substances, Nizhnii Novgorod
Konstantin Dukelskii, The Bonch-Bruevich Saint - Petersburg State University of Telecommunications
Igor Kryukov, PNPPK, Perm
Jury Chamorovsky, Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Moscow
Subcommittee on Fiber Lasers and Amplifiers
Igor Befetov, FORC, Moscow RAS, Moscow (Chairman)
Sergey Babin, Institute of Automation and Electrometry, Novosibirsk
Mikhail Melkumov, FORC, Moscow
Oleg Kel', PNPPK, Perm
Subcommittee on Optical Fiber Communications
Oleg Nanii, Moscow State University, Moscow (Chairman)
Vladimir Burdin, Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications and Informatics, Samara
Sergey Turitzin, Aston University, Birmingham, United Kingdom
Mikhail Fedoruk, Institute of Computational Technologies, Novosibirsk
Subcommittee on Fiber Sensors
Mikhail Belovolov, FORC, Moscow (Chairman)
Sergey Vasiliev, FORC, Moscow
Oleg Vitrik, Institute of Automation and Control Processes, Vladivostok
Boris Gorshkov, GPI RAS, Moscow
Alexey Zarenbin, FORC-Photonics, Moscow
Subcommittee on Optical Fiber Cables
Gennadiy Meshchanov, All-Russian Research Institute of the Cable Industry (JSC "VNIIKP"), Moscow (Chairman)
Jury Larin, All-Russian Research Institute of the Cable Industry (JSC "VNIIKP"), Moscow
Anatoliy Vorontsov, All-Russian Research Institute of the Cable Industry (JSC "VNIIKP"), Moscow
  Organizing Committee

Alexey Andreev, PNPPK, Perm (Chairman)
Galina Shakirova, PNPPK, Perm (Technical secretary)

  Contact information

Program Committee
Sergey Semjonov
tel: +7 (499) )783-56-21
fax: +7(495) 135-81-39
E-mail: rfo-15@fo.gpi.ru

Galina Shakirova
(technical secretary)
tel: +7 (342) 240-05-26

Submission of 2-pages abstracts is open at the Conference site since March 1, 2015.
Deadline for submitting abstracts of reports (maximum 2 pages) in PDF format is June 1, 2015.
Submission cobsists of two stages:
1. Registration of abstract:
Information about contact author as well as presenting author will be required.
Information about presentation (title, authors, affiliation, brief 70-words abstract, type of presentation) should
be introduced.
At the end of registration presentation will get a number for correspondence as well as e-mail message.
2. Sending abstract for publication (maximum 2 pages) to e-mail address rfo-15@fo.gpi.ru
Guidelines for preparation of the text could be loaded here.
Registration page is here.
1 For registration as participant you have to send an application for participation to e-mail address shakirova@pnppk.ru before September 10, 2015.

1 Registration fee:
- 5000 roubles for Conference registration member (including VAT)
- 2000 roubles for Conference registration student member (including VAT).
Registration fee includes the cost of Conference materials (program, collected abstracts). Money may be
transferred to the account of Perm Scientific-Industrial Instrument Making Company.

For registration as participant you have to fill an application for participation on-line [http://clusterphotonics.ru/vkvo/main/reg] before September 10, 2015.

ExhibitionThe Conference will be accompanied by the exhibition where participants may display their products and advertising materials. For additional information call the Organizers.

1 Special session "Development and production of fiber optic devices , systems and components" will be
organized for presentations of companies who work in the field of fiber optics and photonics. Applications for
presentations should be submitted to the Programm Committee of the Conference for initial selection

1 Transport and Accommodation

Airflights to Perm: http://www.aviaperm.ru/
Railway Station Perm-2: http://perm-2.ru/
Ground transportation in Perm: http://map.gptperm.ru/
Taxis in Perm: http://permtaxis.ru/
Conference members will be accommodated in comfortable hotels in Perm ("Ural" , "Prikamie", "Newstar" ), that are located close to the Conference venue.
Other Hotels in Perm: http://www.booking.com/city/ru/perm.ru
Information about Perm Region:: http://kulturaperm.ru/